Is NCSHA competing with local travel teams and house league?
NCSHA is NOT in competition with our local clubs. In fact you can play for your local club and play high school hockey at the same time. High School Hockey is the only hockey outlet that allows you to play both without penalty. We believe high school hockey will keep more players in hockey and attract young players to hockey. High school hockey is a natural progression of youth hockey, not a competitor. High school hockey is a destination for many players and can be part of the journey to college hockey and beyond.
In our area we accept lower teen participation rates in hockey as part of a natural cycle. Many believe our kids simply lose interest in playing hockey as a part of growing up. This is not true and it doesn’t need to be this way in the Raleigh area. Teenagers’ priorities change and they shouldn’t have to choose between playing hockey and attending school events or focusing on homework and studying.
NCSHA will provide teenagers with a competitive hockey league that fits their changing needs/priorities and reverse the hockey drop-out trend. Varsity hockey programs allow players time to focus on school, social/family activities, and even part-time jobs. A look at programs in northern states will show, high school hockey programs allow students to thrive at a sport they love in a competitive, high-caliber environment.